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Label_1304A93C_3AEC_47A4_41B4_A1EF4A7E20FE_mobile.text = GO, GO GADGET... Label_0EF5ECB2_3B3C_7EBC_41B5_C1E6FCDE7311.text = GREAT WORK SPY CADET! Label_0DAA387E_3B6C_45A4_41BA_951FF4794252.text = GREAT WORK SPY CADET! Label_0B3CD3B7_3B25_CAA4_418B_5A64EB786B7D.text = GREAT WORK SPY CADET! Label_0DAA387E_3B6C_45A4_41BA_951FF4794252_mobile.text = GREAT WORK SPY CADET! Label_0B3CD3B7_3B25_CAA4_418B_5A64EB786B7D_mobile.text = GREAT WORK SPY CADET! Label_0EF5ECB2_3B3C_7EBC_41B5_C1E6FCDE7311_mobile.text = GREAT WORK SPY CADET! Label_0BC44140_3AEC_47DC_41CC_AD05A877D5C1_mobile.text = HEALTHY BODY... Label_0BC44140_3AEC_47DC_41CC_AD05A877D5C1.text = HEALTHY BODY... 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Label_155358CC_3B24_46E4_41BF_7837AF423830_mobile.text = TIME TO PERFORM Label_155358CC_3B24_46E4_41BF_7837AF423830.text = TIME TO PERFORM Label_739BDC37_50E2_EB83_41BD_0AA809E5EFA6.text = TUTORIAL Label_739BDC37_50E2_EB83_41BD_0AA809E5EFA6_mobile.text = TUTORIAL Label_27F71BAB_3BA7_83A3_41C1_1CD1BB9AC57D.text = UNLUCKY! Label_27F71BAB_3BA7_83A3_41C1_1CD1BB9AC57D_mobile.text = UNLUCKY! Label_2F6CB2B2_3100_0F86_41C6_0EFE8F4F9154.text = WELCOME SPY CADET Label_2F6CB2B2_3100_0F86_41C6_0EFE8F4F9154_mobile.text = WELCOME SPY CADET Label_15ABBEBD_3B24_5AA4_41A7_E854B34E61BC.text = WELL DONE! Label_0BE66AB7_3B24_DAA4_419A_B2E51B976416.text = WELL DONE! Label_159B2CC4_3B1C_DEE4_4180_90B495E0BEBB.text = WELL DONE! Label_1533507B_3B1C_C5AC_4173_9F087C3FE51F.text = WELL DONE! Label_1ABB6A0D_3BDD_8C67_41AE_ABDE6BEF12DE.text = WELL DONE! Label_16BB9DBD_3B24_DEA4_41AC_4768C2E7ED92.text = WELL DONE! Label_0D89D724_3B2C_4BA4_41B1_F14E2635E9E2_mobile.text = WELL DONE! Label_0BE66AB7_3B24_DAA4_419A_B2E51B976416_mobile.text = WELL DONE! Label_15ABBEBD_3B24_5AA4_41A7_E854B34E61BC_mobile.text = WELL DONE! Label_16BB9DBD_3B24_DEA4_41AC_4768C2E7ED92_mobile.text = WELL DONE! Label_159B2CC4_3B1C_DEE4_4180_90B495E0BEBB_mobile.text = WELL DONE! Label_1533507B_3B1C_C5AC_4173_9F087C3FE51F_mobile.text = WELL DONE! Label_0D89D724_3B2C_4BA4_41B1_F14E2635E9E2.text = WELL DONE! Label_1ABB6A0D_3BDD_8C67_41AE_ABDE6BEF12DE_mobile.text = WELL DONE! Label_16B4E04C_3B2C_C5E4_41B4_D23FF12817B5_mobile.text = WORK OUT THE CLUES... Label_16B4E04C_3B2C_C5E4_41B4_D23FF12817B5.text = WORK OUT THE CLUES... Label_08EFF2DD_3B24_4AE4_41B6_E01E46A21CD2.text = WORKING IT ALL OUT... Label_08EFF2DD_3B24_4AE4_41B6_E01E46A21CD2_mobile.text = WORKING IT ALL OUT... 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You have found all of the hidden objects and rescued the Lower School pets.

You’ve proved yourself to be a highly skilled Spy and you have the skills and work ethic to thrive at King Edward’s.

You have now graduated from the King Edward’s Spy School as a Spy Agent!

We hope you have enjoyed your Spy School training and we look forward to welcoming you to our School very soon.
HTMLText_07F70086_3C5C_9C65_41A4_E21E8A63E008.html =

Aggie the dog accidentally dug up the school time capsule.

She then asked the guinea pigs to help, but instead they took the old prospectus and school magazine and hid them around the School!
HTMLText_0BE1DAB9_3B24_DAAC_41B7_FB1E183A4793.html =
HTMLText_15AB0EBF_3B24_5AA4_41C1_27C4CE1838CC.html =
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HTMLText_12C9045B_3100_0A86_4176_B0544BC12978_mobile.html =

You have found all of the hidden objects and rescued the Lower School pets.

You’ve proved yourself to be a highly skilled Spy and you have the skills and work ethic to thrive at King Edward’s.

You have now graduated from the King Edward’s Spy School as a Spy Agent!

We hope you have enjoyed your Spy School training and we look forward to welcoming you to our School very soon.
HTMLText_07F70086_3C5C_9C65_41A4_E21E8A63E008_mobile.html =

Aggie the dog accidentally dug up the school time capsule.

She then asked the guinea pigs to help, but instead they took the old prospectus and school magazine and hid them around the School!
HTMLText_0BE1DAB9_3B24_DAAC_41B7_FB1E183A4793_mobile.html =
HTMLText_15AB0EBF_3B24_5AA4_41C1_27C4CE1838CC_mobile.html =
HTMLText_16BBCDBF_3B24_DEA4_41B2_1F2C14A36F3A_mobile.html =
HTMLText_2E2EC418_302A_EE32_41B7_37E97F2C8BB5_mobile.html =
Art Studio


The Art Department is a bright and lively place to be. Pupils who choose to study art at GCSE have the opportunity to try different mediums of art, including drawing, painting, printmaking, textiles, ceramics, photography and fine art, and have full use of the art facilities, such as computer suite and kiln room. There are opportunities for pupils to grow and develop as artists and to exhibit throughout the year in the Art Department itself, on the school website and in the ‘Bunker Gallery’, King Edward’s very own exhibition space.
HTMLText_2E2EC418_302A_EE32_41B7_37E97F2C8BB5.html =
Art Studio


The Art Department is a bright and lively place to be. Pupils who choose to study art at GCSE have the opportunity to try different mediums of art, including drawing, painting, printmaking, textiles, ceramics, photography and fine art, and have full use of the art facilities, such as computer suite and kiln room. There are opportunities for pupils to grow and develop as artists and to exhibit throughout the year in the Art Department itself, on the school website and in the ‘Bunker Gallery’, King Edward’s very own exhibition space.
HTMLText_7CF5F9BD_6745_E170_41A1_5BA734E35AF1_mobile.html =
Chapel Choir Venice Tour

Performing in Saint Mark's Basilica

In January 2020 our Chapel Choir, made up of 35 pupils, plus staff and parents, embarked on a five day tour of Venice, performing in the historic Saint Mark’s Basilica Cathedral. The Choir sat high above the nave in one of four of the famed galleries, and all sang tremendously throughout Mass. When they weren’t performing or practising, pupils got to enjoy the food, sights and experience of Venice. The group visited Doges’ Palace and the Santa Maria della Salute Church, attended a workshop on Venetian masks, and ate as much pizza as they could!

HTMLText_7CF5F9BD_6745_E170_41A1_5BA734E35AF1.html =
Chapel Choir Venice Tour

Performing in Saint Mark's Basilica

In January 2020 our Chapel Choir, made up of 35 pupils, plus staff and parents, embarked on a five day tour of Venice, performing in the historic Saint Mark’s Basilica Cathedral. The Choir sat high above the nave in one of four of the famed galleries, and all sang tremendously throughout Mass. When they weren’t performing or practising, pupils got to enjoy the food, sights and experience of Venice. The group visited Doges’ Palace and the Santa Maria della Salute Church, attended a workshop on Venetian masks, and ate as much pizza as they could!

HTMLText_729B95E3_674C_A110_419E_7E010F7B9A1B_mobile.html =
DT Club

Join our car building project

Do you enjoy making things? Our extensive Design Technology (DT) facilities are open to all pupils as part of the co-curricular activities programme after School. Pupils in our DT Club are currently very busy working on a car! The DT Department purchased an old Suzuki SJ 4x4 and the pupils in DT Club stripped it back to a rolling chassis with an engine. The original body was connected to the chassis with just bolts. After having the chassis cleaned, pupils repainted it ready for it to be rebuilt in the style of a 20s roadster. With plans and templates to help them, the new body panels were built from plywood and skinned with aluminium. The next stage is for pupils to complete the engine bay assembly, new lighting and interior so the car will be ready to drive. The DT Club is aiming to have the finished product ready by the summer of 2022.
HTMLText_729B95E3_674C_A110_419E_7E010F7B9A1B.html =
DT Club

Join our car building project

Do you enjoy making things? Our extensive Design Technology (DT) facilities are open to all pupils as part of the co-curricular activities programme after School. Pupils in our DT Club are currently very busy working on a car! The DT Department purchased an old Suzuki SJ 4x4 and the pupils in DT Club stripped it back to a rolling chassis with an engine. The original body was connected to the chassis with just bolts. After having the chassis cleaned, pupils repainted it ready for it to be rebuilt in the style of a 20s roadster. With plans and templates to help them, the new body panels were built from plywood and skinned with aluminium. The next stage is for pupils to complete the engine bay assembly, new lighting and interior so the car will be ready to drive. The DT Club is aiming to have the finished product ready by the summer of 2022.
HTMLText_711D54D0_674C_E731_41D3_CC74F4B79140.html =
King Edward VI

England's boy king

The young boy King Edward statue which stands in the middle of the Quad was created by Neil Godfrey and commissioned to mark the millennium. Underneath his feet is a time capsule with a selection of black and white photographs, copies of the school magazine and prospectus material of the time. These black and white pictures include photographs of the Dining Hall, boys in Edward House, the Geography Department and the Chapel.

The tower overlooking the Quad houses the original 1870s clock and the original Bridewell Bell, inscribed with the name ‘Bridewell’ and date ‘1670’ on the exterior. The interior workings of the clock are visible in the tower along with graffiti dating back to the last century!

HTMLText_711D54D0_674C_E731_41D3_CC74F4B79140_mobile.html =
King Edward VI

England's boy king

The young boy King Edward statue which stands in the middle of the Quad was created by Neil Godfrey and commissioned to mark the millennium. Underneath his feet is a time capsule with a selection of black and white photographs, copies of the school magazine and prospectus material of the time. These black and white pictures include photographs of the Dining Hall, boys in Edward House, the Geography Department and the Chapel.

The tower overlooking the Quad houses the original 1870s clock and the original Bridewell Bell, inscribed with the name ‘Bridewell’ and date ‘1670’ on the exterior. The interior workings of the clock are visible in the tower along with graffiti dating back to the last century!

HTMLText_2E5451C1_3035_2612_41C0_4542F225507F_mobile.html =
Photo Album

This is an example of a photo album.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
HTMLText_7CF519C2_6745_E110_41D1_27D060F3CA58_mobile.html =
Photo Album

This is an example of a photo album.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
HTMLText_2E5451C1_3035_2612_41C0_4542F225507F.html =
Photo Album

This is an example of a photo album.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
HTMLText_7C0FE2DF_6745_E330_41D7_445E1DBF4F09.html =
Photo Album

This is an example of a photo album.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
HTMLText_7C0FE2DF_6745_E330_41D7_445E1DBF4F09_mobile.html =
Photo Album

This is an example of a photo album.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
HTMLText_7B5768E4_6745_AF10_41C9_23AD091A91DC_mobile.html =
Photo Album

This is an example of a photo album.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
HTMLText_7CF519C2_6745_E110_41D1_27D060F3CA58.html =
Photo Album

This is an example of a photo album.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
HTMLText_E570831B_D2B8_C260_41E2_1CD96ABF0B12.html =
Photo Album

This is an example of a photo album.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
HTMLText_7B5768E4_6745_AF10_41C9_23AD091A91DC.html =
Photo Album

This is an example of a photo album.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
HTMLText_7B5818DE_6745_AF30_41AE_C53A48E9AE2F_mobile.html =
Queen Mary House

Common rooms, kitchen and music room

There’s no shortage of ways to stay entertained in the Lower School. One of the most popular spaces for day pupils and boarders is the Music Room, where pupils can practice, learn, or just try one of the many instruments on offer before or after School.

If they don’t fancy that, there are two separate common rooms in Queen Mary House, one for the boys and one for the girls, and pupils are welcome to move between the two. Here, the pupils have a kitchen for snacks during the day and baking during the weekend and a lounge area with comfy sofas. There is always something to do in the common room, whether playing pool against a friend, gaming on the PS4 or Wii (after School only!) or just enjoying the company of their peers. Completing the downstairs spaces is the day room’, another lounge area where roll call typically takes place. Home to some big sofas and an even bigger TV, the day room is used to host the QMH movie nights.
HTMLText_7B5818DE_6745_AF30_41AE_C53A48E9AE2F.html =
Queen Mary House

Common rooms, kitchen and music room

There’s no shortage of ways to stay entertained in the Lower School. One of the most popular spaces for day pupils and boarders is the Music Room, where pupils can practice, learn, or just try one of the many instruments on offer before or after School.

If they don’t fancy that, there are two separate common rooms in Queen Mary House, one for the boys and one for the girls, and pupils are welcome to move between the two. Here, the pupils have a kitchen for snacks during the day and baking during the weekend and a lounge area with comfy sofas. There is always something to do in the common room, whether playing pool against a friend, gaming on the PS4 or Wii (after School only!) or just enjoying the company of their peers. Completing the downstairs spaces is the day room’, another lounge area where roll call typically takes place. Home to some big sofas and an even bigger TV, the day room is used to host the QMH movie nights.
HTMLText_E5A6B00C_D2BF_5E60_41DC_D4F2B878B64A.html =
Senior Girls' Houses

Elizabeth and Tudor

King Edward’s currently has two Senior Girls’ Houses - Elizabeth and Tudor, both of which are home to girls from 3rd Form to Sixth Form. Each House takes its name from the School’s rich history.

‘Elizabeth’ - Elizabeth House came into being in 1955 and is named in honour of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, who succeeded Queen Mary as President of Bridewell Royal Hospital.

‘Tudor’ - Tudor is named after the historical period of our founders, Bishop Nicholas Ridley and King Edward VI.
HTMLText_E5A6B00C_D2BF_5E60_41DC_D4F2B878B64A_mobile.html =
Senior Girls' Houses

Elizabeth and Tudor

King Edward’s currently has two Senior Girls’ Houses - Elizabeth and Tudor, both of which are home to girls from 3rd Form to Sixth Form. Each House takes its name from the School’s rich history.

‘Elizabeth’ - Elizabeth House came into being in 1955 and is named in honour of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, who succeeded Queen Mary as President of Bridewell Royal Hospital.

‘Tudor’ - Tudor is named after the historical period of our founders, Bishop Nicholas Ridley and King Edward VI.
HTMLText_E56E1314_D2B8_C260_41E3_50E10266C70E.html =
Senior Girls' Houses

Elizabeth and Tudor

King Edward’s currently has two Senior Girls’ Houses - Elizabeth and Tudor, both of which are home to girls from 3rd Form to Sixth Form. Each House takes its name from the School’s rich history.

‘Elizabeth’ - Elizabeth House came into being in 1955 and is named in honour of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, who succeeded Queen Mary as President of Bridewell Royal Hospital.

‘Tudor’ - Tudor is named after the historical period of our founders, Bishop Nicholas Ridley and King Edward VI.

HTMLText_7C1052D9_6745_E330_41CB_59BB87755056.html =
The Drama Department

Welcoming pupils across all years

King Edward’s has two main drama performance spaces, the brand new Studio Theatre, which can seat sixty, and ‘Charter Hall’, a larger space that can seat up to 400. While the Studio Theatre is utilised for rehearsals and smaller performances, the main annual show is performed in Charter Hall. Pupils across all years are encouraged to get involved on the stage and behind the scenes, with the chosen show switching every year between a play and a musical to ensure that there is something for everyone. In recent years, performances have included Bugsy Malone, Lord of the Flies and West Side Story.
HTMLText_7C1052D9_6745_E330_41CB_59BB87755056_mobile.html =
The Drama Department

Welcoming pupils across all years

King Edward’s has two main drama performance spaces, the brand new Studio Theatre, which can seat sixty, and ‘Charter Hall’, a larger space that can seat up to 400. While the Studio Theatre is utilised for rehearsals and smaller performances, the main annual show is performed in Charter Hall. Pupils across all years are encouraged to get involved on the stage and behind the scenes, with the chosen show switching every year between a play and a musical to ensure that there is something for everyone. In recent years, performances have included Bugsy Malone, Lord of the Flies and West Side Story.
HTMLText_0DABE87F_3B6C_45A4_41C0_E69B527F464B_mobile.html =
One of our GCSE pupils included a particular mode of transport in their artwork. What was it?
HTMLText_060B8002_3B6C_455C_41CC_1832AE2EFE40_mobile.html =
You’ve found your first hidden object. These photos will help you complete your mission.

But to achieve Level 1 Spy Agent status and get your mission file, you must first answer this question...
HTMLText_17B32551_3AE5_CFFC_41C3_5EAC34C3937D.html =
To be a good spy you need to learn the art of disguise. There’s no better place to learn than in the Studio Theatre.

To earn Level 2 Agent status and get your next clue, you must first answer this question...

Our Charter Hall is great for school performances! But how many people can this room seat?
HTMLText_0B3E93BC_3B25_CAA4_419B_35FE2ABEA506.html =
You’ve found Cucumber the guinea pig!

To move on to the next part of your mission, your need to answer the question...

Even spies need to chill out. The Common Room is a great place to relax and catch up with friends.

What game are the pupils playing in the video on the TV?
HTMLText_0EF55CB3_3B3C_7EBC_41C8_B4120A4D3CF0.html =
You’ve found the old school prospectus!

To move on to the next part of your mission, your need to answer the question...

Our Chapel Choir regularly performs in the local area, London and sometimes even abroad.

Which cathedral in Venice did the Chapel Choir perform in?
HTMLText_13055940_3AEC_47DC_41AA_75C8A853F5BB.html =
You can’t be a proper spy without the use of gadgets. All gadgets have to be designed and made, DT gives gadget designers the knowledge and skills they need.

To achieve Level 3 Agent status and have the ability to use gadgets, you must first answer this question...

What projects are our pupils currently working on in DT Club?
HTMLText_0DABE87F_3B6C_45A4_41C0_E69B527F464B.html =
One of our GCSE pupils included a particular mode of transport in their artwork. What was it?
HTMLText_45ED7660_50ED_27BD_41CB_FE74FA017CD5.html =
Put on your spy headset and look out for the clues and hidden objects that will help you along your mission. Take part in our fun quiz to progress your spy level from Spy Cadet to Spy Agent and don’t forget to click on the icons for videos, photos and lots more.
HTMLText_0BBAE144_3AEC_47E4_41B7_5AB47C5C8FF1.html =
All spies need to be at their physical and mental peak. The sports and fitness facilities at King Edward’s are fantastic. To achieve Level 4 Agent status, you must first answer this question...

How many hours of sport do pupils in 1st to 3rd Form complete per week?
HTMLText_1549D657_3B1C_4DE4_414B_DDE511234F8E.html =
Great work Spy Cadet. You have now achieved Level 4 Agent status.

Use your new status to explore the Health and Lifestyle Centre. Here you can see where you can learn to prepare and cook meals.

Which of these four clubs does the Head of Food Science NOT tell us about?
HTMLText_155338D0_3B24_46FC_41C0_6B88A06098F8.html =
Great job Spy Cadet! You’ve found Dandelion the Lower School guinea pig! Learning a piece of music is similar to being a spy. You’ve found notes along the way and now it’s time to perform and complete the mission. Level 6 clearance is needed to complete your mission, first answer this question...

How many individual music lessons are held each week?
HTMLText_08EDC2E0_3B24_4ADC_41CD_7811A872BAD0.html =
Cadets need to have strong analytical skills. Sometimes it’s good to just take a break and get some fresh air to figure a problem out.

To achieve Level 5 Agent status and gain Analysis training, you must first answer this question...

What is the grassy area in front of the Senior Houses called?
HTMLText_0F669CF5_3B7C_5EA4_41C3_0E36BE44BE36.html =
Congratulations! You got it right.

Your next mission is to explore this outdoor area of the School.

Can you find one of the missing Lower School pets?
HTMLText_16B40050_3B2C_C5FC_41C4_630996617A3A.html =
Great job on finding the old school magazine! Have you had any idea why the Lower School pets ended up escaping and why are there random historical school objects left around the School?

You’re getting close to completing your mission, first answer this question:

What colour is the crest of Tudor, one of our Senior Girls’ Houses?
HTMLText_0EDBB45B_3B24_4DEC_41C9_5823A149B571.html =
Working hard and playing hard is all part of being a spy. The same is true of being at School.

To carry on with your mission answer the following question:

Mr Tobias, Edward Housemaster, names a game console that is available for the senior boys to use in their spare time. What is it?
HTMLText_060B8002_3B6C_455C_41CC_1832AE2EFE40.html =
You’ve found your first hidden object. These photos will help you complete your mission.

But to achieve Level 1 Spy Cadet status and get your mission file, you must first answer this question...
HTMLText_2F5D12BE_3100_0FFE_41B5_C154493D5951.html =
There are six spy levels you need to reach.

Each level gives you new skills to help you complete your mission.

You can see your level by looking at the Missions Level to the right.

Go to the Quad to start your mission.
HTMLText_1ABADA11_3BDD_8C7F_41AD_DE645CB08DDC.html =
Congratulations Spy Cadet!

That is the correct answer. Click the button below to embark on your next mission.
HTMLText_01E81753_3B64_4BFC_41BD_9B45668C6893.html =
In disguise you can now enter the Chapel without being noticed. The Chapel is steeped in history and is a good place to learn about the School.

Somewhere in the Chapel is an old school prospectus. Can you find it?
HTMLText_0EE2302A_3B7D_C5AC_41BE_A9942C1B4628.html =
You’ve now made it to the Lower School Common Room without being seen.

Somewhere in the Common Room is one of the missing Lower School pets. Can you find them?
HTMLText_7EBB7CC6_3B6C_5EE4_41C4_8A39BE58F4E4.html =
Somewhere in this room is a stack of photos. These photos will be needed on your mission.

Keep your eyes peeled.
HTMLText_739BEC37_50E2_EB83_41C6_66217AA43886.html =
When identifying and completing your missions, click the question mark highlighted green in the bottom left of the screen.
HTMLText_27F44BB2_3BA7_83BD_41C3_BDF4D34CAD4A.html =
Bad luck Spy Cadet!

Unfortunately that was the wrong answer. Click the button below to go back and try again!
HTMLText_0F77134A_3B65_CBEC_41C5_6E9FF5104CA7.html =
Search the Music Recital Room to see if you can find anything out of place.

Clue: You are searching for a little furry animal from South America.
HTMLText_0E56AA30_3B64_45BC_41A7_A11D06045B0A.html =
Great job Spy Cadet! That’s two of the missing Lower School pets found. Now you can explore the Senior Girls’ House.

Can you find anything that looks out of place?
HTMLText_0E0D433C_3B64_4BA4_41C0_F0257E3E20A7.html =
The Lower School pets - Aggie the dog and Cucumber and Dandelion the guinea pigs have gone missing along with items from the School’s time capsule!

It is up to you to answer the questions, find the missing objects and solve the clues to find our beloved pets.

The photos show who you are searching for.
HTMLText_2F589694_07F1_2455_4169_EA56C3CCC0F4.html =
To start you off, we'll begin with some observation training. Use your spy skills to answer the question below.

The tower overlooking the Quad houses a beautiful clock which chimes on the hour. What year it is from?
HTMLText_45ED7660_50ED_27BD_41CB_FE74FA017CD5_mobile.html =
Put on your spy headset and look out for the clues and hidden objects that will help you along your mission. Take part in our fun quiz to progress your spy level from Spy Cadet to Spy Agent and don’t forget to click on the icons for videos, photos and lots more.
HTMLText_17B32551_3AE5_CFFC_41C3_5EAC34C3937D_mobile.html =
To be a good spy you need to learn the art of disguise. There’s no better place to learn than in the Studio Theatre.

To earn Level 2 Agent status and get your next clue, you must first answer this question...

Our Charter Hall is great for school performances! But how many people can this room seat?
HTMLText_0B3E93BC_3B25_CAA4_419B_35FE2ABEA506_mobile.html =
You’ve found Cucumber the guinea pig!

To move on to the next part of your mission, your need to answer the question...

Even spies need to chill out. The Common Room is a great place to relax and catch up with friends.

What game are the pupils playing in the video on the TV?
HTMLText_0EF55CB3_3B3C_7EBC_41C8_B4120A4D3CF0_mobile.html =
You’ve found the old school prospectus!

To move on to the next part of your mission, your need to answer the question...

Our Chapel Choir regularly performs in the local area, London and sometimes even abroad.

Which cathedral in Venice did the Chapel Choir perform in?
HTMLText_13055940_3AEC_47DC_41AA_75C8A853F5BB_mobile.html =
You can’t be a proper spy without the use of gadgets. All gadgets have to be designed and made, DT gives gadget designers the knowledge and skills they need.

To achieve Level 3 Agent status and have the ability to use gadgets, you must first answer this question...

What projects are our pupils currently working on in DT Club?
HTMLText_0BBAE144_3AEC_47E4_41B7_5AB47C5C8FF1_mobile.html =
All spies need to be at their physical and mental peak. The sports and fitness facilities at King Edward’s are fantastic. To achieve Level 4 Agent status, you must first answer this question...

How many hours of sport do pupils in 1st to 3rd Form complete per week?
HTMLText_1549D657_3B1C_4DE4_414B_DDE511234F8E_mobile.html =
Great work Spy Cadet. You have now achieved Level 4 Agent status.

Use your new status to explore the Health and Lifestyle Centre. Here you can see where you can learn to prepare and cook meals.

Which of these four clubs does the Head of Food Science NOT tell us about?
HTMLText_155338D0_3B24_46FC_41C0_6B88A06098F8_mobile.html =
Great job Spy Cadet! You’ve found Dandelion the Lower School guinea pig! Learning a piece of music is similar to being a spy. You’ve found notes along the way and now it’s time to perform and complete the mission. Level 6 clearance is needed to complete your mission, first answer this question...

How many individual music lessons are held each week?
HTMLText_08EDC2E0_3B24_4ADC_41CD_7811A872BAD0_mobile.html =
Cadets need to have strong analytical skills. Sometimes it’s good to just take a break and get some fresh air to figure a problem out.

To achieve Level 5 Agent status and gain Analysis training, you must first answer this question...

What is the grassy area in front of the Senior Houses called?
HTMLText_16B40050_3B2C_C5FC_41C4_630996617A3A_mobile.html =
Great job on finding the old school magazine! Have you had any idea why the Lower School pets ended up escaping and why are there random historical school objects left around the School?

You’re getting close to completing your mission, first answer this question:

What colour is the crest of Tudor, one of our Senior Girls’ Houses?
HTMLText_0EDBB45B_3B24_4DEC_41C9_5823A149B571_mobile.html =
Working hard and playing hard is all part of being a spy. The same is true of being at School.

To carry on with your mission answer the following question:

Mr Tobias, Edward Housemaster, names a game console that is available for the senior boys to use in their spare time. What is it?
HTMLText_0E0D433C_3B64_4BA4_41C0_F0257E3E20A7_mobile.html =
The Lower School pets - Aggie the dog and Cucumber and Dandelion the guinea pigs have gone missing along with items from the School’s time capsule!

It is up to you to answer the questions, find the missing objects and solve the clues to find our beloved pets.

The photos show who you are searching for.
HTMLText_1ABADA11_3BDD_8C7F_41AD_DE645CB08DDC_mobile.html =
Congratulations Spy Cadet!

That is the correct answer. Click the button below to embark on your next mission.
HTMLText_01E81753_3B64_4BFC_41BD_9B45668C6893_mobile.html =
In disguise you can now enter the Chapel without being noticed. The Chapel is steeped in history and is a good place to learn about the School.

Somewhere in the Chapel is an old school prospectus. Can you find it?
HTMLText_0EE2302A_3B7D_C5AC_41BE_A9942C1B4628_mobile.html =
You’ve now made it to the Lower School Common Room without being seen.

Somewhere in the Common Room is one of the missing Lower School pets. Can you find them?
HTMLText_7EBB7CC6_3B6C_5EE4_41C4_8A39BE58F4E4_mobile.html =
Somewhere in this room is a stack of photos. These photos will be needed on your mission.

Keep your eyes peeled.
HTMLText_2F5D12BE_3100_0FFE_41B5_C154493D5951_mobile.html =
There are six spy levels you need to reach.

Each level gives you new skills to help you complete your mission.

You can see your level by looking at the Missions Level below.

Go to the Quad to start your mission.
HTMLText_27F44BB2_3BA7_83BD_41C3_BDF4D34CAD4A_mobile.html =
Bad luck Spy Cadet!

Unfortunately that was the wrong answer. Click the button below to go back and try again!
HTMLText_0F77134A_3B65_CBEC_41C5_6E9FF5104CA7_mobile.html =
Search the Music Recital Room to see if you can find anything out of place.

Clue: You are searching for a little furry animal from South America.
HTMLText_0F669CF5_3B7C_5EA4_41C3_0E36BE44BE36_mobile.html =
Congratulations! You got it right.

Your next mission is to explore this outdoor area of the School.

Can you find one of the missing Lower School pets?
HTMLText_0E56AA30_3B64_45BC_41A7_A11D06045B0A_mobile.html =
Great job Spy Cadet! That’s two of the missing Lower School pets found. Now you can explore the Senior Girls’ House.

Can you find anything that looks out of place?
HTMLText_2F589694_07F1_2455_4169_EA56C3CCC0F4_mobile.html =
To start you off, we'll begin with some observation training. Use your spy skills to answer the question below.

The tower overlooking the Quad houses a beautiful clock which chimes on the hour. What year it is from?
HTMLText_739BEC37_50E2_EB83_41C6_66217AA43886_mobile.html =
When identifying and completing your missions, click the question mark highlighted green in the bottom left of the screen.
## Tour ### Description tour.description = How good are your super-sleuth skills? ### Title tour.name = Spy School