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Our helpful and friendly admissions team is always delighted to answer any questions you may have about the school, arranging a visit or submitting an application.

The senior school has entry points at 11+, 13+ and 16+. Please enquire here or contact our senior school registrar Mrs Kate Cairns.

The prep school welcomes children into any year group where there are spaces available. The first step for prospective families is to make an enquiry to the school or to contact our prep school registrar Mrs Sara Mathieson.
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Our helpful and friendly admissions team is always delighted to answer any questions you may have about the school, arranging a visit or submitting an application.

The senior school has entry points at 11+, 13+ and 16+. Please enquire here or contact our senior school registrar Mrs Kate Cairns.

The prep school welcomes children into any year group where there are spaces available. The first step for prospective families is to make an enquiry to the school or to contact our prep school registrar Mrs Sara Mathieson.
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The library

Our library occupies two spacious floors at the heart of the school. There are over 15,000 titles on the catalogue including 4,000 works of classic, modern and contemporary fiction which are in heavy demand from both pupils and staff, as well as a substantial biography section. There are 11,000 non-fiction and reference books and the library stocks periodicals and takes daily newspapers.

Situated within the library complex is the higher education and careers guidance service. Every student is allocated a guidance tutor when she starts at St Swithun’s. The tutor’s role is to support decision-making about subject choices and to encourage forward planning and preparation. As students approach and enter sixth form there is a comprehensive schedule of visiting speakers, interview practice, help with university applications and specialised support for those applying for particularly competitive courses such as medicine. Approximately 67% of our leavers go on to study at Russell Group universities, 8% gain a place at Oxbridge, and 5-10% go to universities abroad.
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Our art department has a wonderful array of facilities which include a general studio, a dark room, a ceramics studio and a sixth form studio. We also have a history of art classroom and a resources area with a bank of computers and a fantastic collection of art books. Our gallery space is used for internal and external exhibitions and throughout the year display the girls' many successes through a diverse exhibition programme.

We offer an exciting and stimulating environment where girls can feel confident in expressing their individual ideas and perspectives. The department is able to offer an enormous variety of skills and techniques from ceramics, painting, printmaking, sculpture, textiles and photography to regular life-drawing with the older girls. History of art is taught as a separate subject and is an important part of our sixth-form curriculum. Teaching is vigorous and wide-ranging. We encourage an atmosphere of exploration, experimentation, determination and independence.

In order for our pupils to understand and explore the connections to be made with art and culture, our typical school year will include a wide range of art-related visits, for example: The Big Draw at Roche Court (L6), Berlin (L6), Royal Academy (U4), Pitt Rivers Museum (M5), Modern Art Oxford (U5), British Museum (L5). Our art history students regularly visit London and Venice.

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Dining room

St Swithun’s is renowned for its delicious food, all of which is prepared on site. The menus are designed to be imaginative, nutritious and full of choice. There is a food forum where girls meet with the catering team to discuss options and foods they would like introduced to the menu.
The St Swithun’s match tea is very popular amongst our sporting opponents and our own teams and supporters.

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Dining room

St Swithun’s is renowned for its delicious food, all of which is prepared on site. The menus are designed to be imaginative, nutritious and full of choice. There is a food forum where girls meet with the catering team to discuss options and foods they would like introduced to the menu.
The St Swithun’s match tea is very popular amongst our sporting opponents and our own teams and supporters.

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Drama at St Swithun’s is taught by experienced specialists and is part of the curriculum for girls in years 7 to year 9 before it becomes an option at GCSE and A level. Many girls also choose to have speech and drama lessons to further develop their communication and performance skills.

The department is based in purpose-built facilities and all activities including lessons take full advantage of the 550 seat auditorium, studio theatre and the small performing space in Harvey Hall, our performing arts centre.

Extra activities typically on offer for girls include: junior drama club for year 7 and year 8, a large-scale school production, collaboration with Winchester College productions, theatre trips, show cases, an Olivier Awards night and specialist workshops with professional theatre companies and practitioners. We take part in the Shakespeare Schools’ Festival. Performances for A level and GCSE examination performance work are also open for family and friends.

Although being a performer has undoubted appeal, many girls enjoy learning about the technical elements in theatre, such as design, lighting and sound and thus have the opportunity to work backstage on productions with the support of our superb technical crew. Other girls may explore prop making, costume design and directing or producing plays, and indeed writing scripts. And when the applause has stopped, every girl will have improved her ability to be creative, interpret, work in a team and communicate-skills vital onstage and off.

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Finlay boarding house

In U6, all girls, both boarders and day girls, are accommodated in Finlay House. It has 51 single study bedrooms for boarders and five study rooms for day girls with two to seven students in each. Finlay has two common rooms with a television and pool table in addition to a kitchen/sitting room for socialising. Each floor has a mini kitchen with a fridge and fresh, modern bathrooms. There is also a large laundry room.

Girls return to Finlay during the daytime to work in their study periods. In the evening, they have direct access to the library which is stocked with numerous journals and periodicals, has a large IT provision and provides a quiet work environment. Finlay house girls are also able to access the gym, swimming pool and tennis courts during the evening. This helps them to adapt to the sort of working environment they will encounter at university, when they will take full responsibility for how they manage their free time.

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Finlay boarding house

In U6, all girls, both boarders and day girls, are accommodated in Finlay House. It has 51 single study bedrooms for boarders and five study rooms for day girls with two to seven students in each. Finlay has two common rooms with a television and pool table in addition to a kitchen/sitting room for socialising. Each floor has a mini kitchen with a fridge and fresh, modern bathrooms. There is also a large laundry room.

Girls return to Finlay during the daytime to work in their study periods. In the evening, they have direct access to the library which is stocked with numerous journals and periodicals, has a large IT provision and provides a quiet work environment. Finlay house girls are also able to access the gym, swimming pool and tennis courts during the evening. This helps them to adapt to the sort of working environment they will encounter at university, when they will take full responsibility for how they manage their free time.

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Music is an integral part of St Swithun’s, forming an important part of our sense of community and allowing our many talented girls to express themselves in a variety of different ways. Each day begins with the entire school singing a hymn and there are over thirty ensembles rehearsing each week. Over 65% of girls have instrumental or singing lessons from a choice of 25 instruments. From formal concerts in Harvey Hall to rock concerts with lasers and smoke machines, we provide the opportunity for musicians of all standards and styles to flourish. The musicians are busy and ambitious: the choirs regularly sing for services at the cathedral, take part in concerts with professional musicians in London, attend masterclasses and workshops provided by top class coaches, and go on tours to Europe and the Far East. Some of our top musicians also play and sing in county and national ensembles.

Music as an academic subject is also very strong, with students regularly achieving the top grades at GCSE and A level and many going on to study it at university. Lower down the school girls are taught to appreciate many different styles of music from all over the world and from different historical eras. They are taught to analyse, compose and perform from an early age. Our aim as a department is to encourage, enthuse and support our young musicians whilst maintaining high standards. We have a plethora of different groups they can be involved in on a weekly basis, an annual music competition for soloists, a flourishing music scholars programme, and many collaborations with other schools and professional groups.

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Pre-prep classroom

Our pre-prep department comprises year 1 and year 2 (key stage 1).

During year 1 and year 2 children consolidate their literacy and numeracy skills. The curriculum includes the core subjects of English, mathematics and science and also features art, design and technology, information and communication technology (ICT), religious education, music, drama, personal social and health education, history, geography, modern foreign languages, physical education and a wide range of creative activities all taught regularly throughout the year. All children swim every week in our indoor teaching pool and take part in Wilderness Afternoons on our 45-acre site.

All pupils have reading books to share at home. Year 1 children take home spelling activities and an interactive maths game, and Year 2 children take home mathematics and literacy activities.

We have specialist teachers and departments for maths, English, science, sport, performing arts and creative arts and modern foreign languages. There is an on-site Forest School complete with outdoor learning classroom and a fire-pit for toasting marshmallows.

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Our pre-school is on the ground floor in the heart of our light, modern and purpose-built prep school building. It has dedicated access to a spacious, secure and landscaped courtyard with its sandpit, mud kitchen and water play area. It also has its own toilet facilities. Pre-school children benefit from the use of all-school shared facilities including all-weather courts, the on-site swimming pool, performance hall, gymnasium, music rooms, dining room and running track. They are regular passengers on our fleet of minibuses taking them to explore further afield.

The education we offer to our three- and four-year olds goes far beyond the core Early Years Foundation Stage requirements for nursery education. We provide children with a range of opportunities, lessons with specialist teachers and the best possible preparation for reception, whether they will be attending St Swithun’s or moving on to another school.

We admit girls and boys following their third birthday. Our preschool children study the EYFS curriculum, but right from the outset, they enjoy a host of other learning experiences including Forest School, an introduction to modern foreign languages, sport, cookery, music and swimming. There is also plenty of time to explore and enjoy the outdoors across our 45 acres of countryside.

Our overarching aim is to create an environment which is interesting, motivating and stimulating and which conveys the essential message to pre-school children that learning is fun and school is a wonderful place to be.

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Prep classroom

Our prep department comprises year 3, year 4, year 5 and year 6 (key stage 2). Girls are prepared for 11+ entrance examinations, including Common Entrance, to a variety of independent senior schools. Where appropriate St Swithun’s prep students are able to transfer to the senior school without the requirement to sit Common Entrance.

A structured programme increases the amount of formal work as children move through the prep department. The girls develop a desire to learn as well as the beginnings of the means to become independent students. They accept more responsibility for their own learning and begin to manage their time. They are encouraged to read regularly and widely.

Children enjoy a weekly timetable that is opulent and varied; it emphasises the core subjects of English, mathematics, science and computing but balances these with a huge amount of sports, humanities, arts, languages and extra-curricular opportunities too.

Throughout the school we maintain small class sizes of approximately 18 pupils.

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Prep sport

St Swithun’s aims for quality in every aspect of physical education, sport and physical activity. We are committed to creating meaningful opportunities for our pupils to become dedicated participants and to attain the highest levels of performance to which they aspire.

We recognise the value of sport and physical activity to a pupil’s wellbeing and development, physically, mentally, socially and morally. Pupils are encouraged to strive for high standards of performance, commitment, behaviour, etiquette, sportsmanship and self-discipline.

In addition to curriculum sport and PE lessons, we have a variety of lunchtime and afterschool clubs led by the school staff and outside coaches and we participate in house and inter-school matches to further extend the opportunities for our students.

The school curriculum includes tennis, football, netball, pop lacrosse, cross country, gymnastics, rounders athletics, cricket and swimming. The younger girls also focus on their locomotive and manipulation skills, decision making and tactical knowledge using simple invasion games. All PE, games and swimming lessons are taught by specialists.

In addition to the prep school gym the children have access to our on-site swimming complex with 25 metre pool and small teaching pool, a running track and all-weather courts.

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All girls study biology, chemistry and physics as individual subjects from the age of 11 until they begin their IGCSE courses. They also study ICT and technology. At IGCSE girls may study two or three separate science subjects from biology, chemistry and physics or they may choose to take the IGCSE double award science qualification allowing them to continue with all three science subjects in less depth.

Carl Sagan’s famous quote “Science is a way of thinking, much more than it is a body of knowledge” could not be more true than at St Swithun’s. Inspiring the next generation of STEM professionals is a key goal for the high-calibre teaching staff in the science department, who hope that pupils find a career that springs out of a natural love of science that has been nurtured and encouraged at school. However, staff are keen to ensure that all girls learn to recognise the importance of science and scientists in their lives and that all leave school with the critical thinking, analysis and evaluation skills that science promotes, whatever their chosen career path.

Evaluation of cutting-edge and progressive teaching strategies is a key feature of the science department at St Swithun’s. The over-arching philosophy is one of helping students to think about science in a real-world context, to problem-solve, to question and to find evidence. Lots of practical work and hands-on time promotes the self-reliance and confidence to look for solutions: important characteristics for success in the world of work. Students are encouraged to set curiosity and understanding at the heart of all they do. Through challenging discussion and healthy debate, students develop intellectual confidence and genuine appreciation for the role of science in their lives.

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Senior boarding house

Boarders at St Swithun’s like being with their friends, having time to take part in lots of activities, being part of a community and being able to roll out of bed into school via breakfast.

Four houses accommodate boarders from the beginning of year 8 through to the end of year 12 (L6) and are home to students from a mixture of year groups.

Girls are involved in several "cluster" events each term, where boarders from all year groups meet in small groups for meals which they plan, cook and eat together. Friendships with other year groups are a significant feature of boarding here and the support of older and younger girls can mirror some of the dynamics of family life. We ensure that both boarding and day girls work together to create a happy and inclusive school environment and that they take every opportunity to forge supportive relationships with other girls of all ages throughout the school.

We offer a diverse range of activities on and off site at weekends, and the swimming pool, art studio, library, music school and fitness suite are also open. The weekend programme complements the dynamic co-curricular programme of 45 clubs and activities which runs on weekdays for both day girls and boarders. St Swithun's is close enough to town for boarders to walk in for shopping, the cinema or restaurants and to meet friends.

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Senior boarding house

Boarders at St Swithun’s like being with their friends, having time to take part in lots of activities, being part of a community and being able to roll out of bed into school via breakfast.
Four houses accommodate boarders from the beginning of year 8 through to the end of year 12 (L6) and are home to students from a mixture of year groups.

Girls are involved in several "cluster" events each term, where boarders from all year groups meet in small groups for meals which they plan, cook and eat together. Friendships with other year groups are a significant feature of boarding here and the support of older and younger girls can mirror some of the dynamics of family life. We ensure that both boarding and day girls work together to create a happy and inclusive school environment and that they take every opportunity to forge supportive relationships with other girls of all ages throughout the school.

We offer a diverse range of activities on and off site at weekends, and the swimming pool, art studio, library, music school and fitness suite are also open. The weekend programme complements the dynamic co-curricular programme of 45 clubs and activities which runs on weekdays for both day girls and boarders. St Swithun's is close enough to town for boarders to walk in for shopping, the cinema or restaurants and to meet friends.

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St Swithun’s strives for excellence in all aspects of sport from performance and achievements to involvement, cooperation, leadership, teamwork, competition etiquette and respect for the individual. We value effort and sportsmanship as much as winning and are proud to run A, B and C teams in lacrosse and A, B,C, D and E teams in netball. We teach students how to deal with success and failure, how to be self-disciplined and how to communicate with one another. We are dedicated to providing meaningful opportunities so that all girls can find at least one sport or activity to equip her with a lifelong enjoyment of physical exercise.

Lacrosse, netball, athletics, tennis and swimming are our major competitive sports followed by football, cricket and cross-country. We run several teams per year group and we have regular fixtures with other schools. Many girls represent their county and region with a handful of girls training with national development programmes. Inter-house and inter-form competitions are also organised to give everyone an opportunity to play in a competitive environment.

All girls joining St Swithun’s in the senior school are enrolled into the Team Orange Performance Programme which provides an individually tailored pathway for each girl to achieve her full potential at whatever level that might be: from being motivated to live a healthy and active life to achieving elite athletic performance and everything in between.

All pupils undergo athletic profiling and develop SMART targets in consultation with teachers and coaches. Alongside advice and support to achieve these targets, girls in years 7 and 8 receive education in the fundamentals of the physiological aspects of sport and physical activity, psychology and technical skills.

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St Swithun’s strives for excellence in all aspects of sport from performance and achievements to involvement, cooperation, leadership, teamwork, competition etiquette and respect for the individual. We value effort and sportsmanship as much as winning and are proud to run A, B and C teams in lacrosse and A, B,C, D and E teams in netball. We teach students how to deal with success and failure, how to be self-disciplined and how to communicate with one another. We are dedicated to providing meaningful opportunities so that all girls can find at least one sport or activity to equip her with a lifelong enjoyment of physical exercise.

Lacrosse, netball, athletics, tennis and swimming are our major competitive sports followed by football, cricket and cross-country. We run several teams per year group and we have regular fixtures with other schools. Many girls represent their county and region with a handful of girls training with national development programmes. Inter-house and inter-form competitions are also organised to give everyone an opportunity to play in a competitive environment.

All girls joining St Swithun’s in the senior school are enrolled into the Team Orange Performance Programme which provides an individually tailored pathway for each girl to achieve her full potential at whatever level that might be: from being motivated to live a healthy and active life to achieving elite athletic performance and everything in between.

All pupils undergo athletic profiling and develop SMART targets in consultation with teachers and coaches. Alongside advice and support to achieve these targets, girls in years 7 and 8 receive education in the fundamentals of the physiological aspects of sport and physical activity, psychology and technical skills.

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Our buzzing technology department is fully equipped with dedicated rooms for metal work, wood work, graphic design and electronics.

Girls at St Swithun’s learn basic manufacturing skills using hand tools and machines as well as techniques used in industry such as computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing. They are taught how to evaluate designs, test products and accept that not getting things right the first time is part of learning.

Our students are given the opportunity to enter local and national design and engineering competitions and many win prizes for innovative ideas and products. One of our most popular co-curricular activities is Greenpower club which involves designing, constructing and racing battery-powered vehicles around motor-racing circuits. We started off with one car but the club has become so popular that we now have three cars that are regularly raced by our all-girls team in the national Greenpower electric car racing challenge.
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The library

Our library occupies two spacious floors at the heart of the school. There are over 15,000 titles on the catalogue including 4,000 works of classic, modern and contemporary fiction which are in heavy demand from both pupils and staff, as well as a substantial biography section. There are 11,000 non-fiction and reference books and the library stocks periodicals and takes daily newspapers.

Situated within the library complex is the higher education and careers guidance service. Every student is allocated a guidance tutor when she starts at St Swithun’s. The tutor’s role is to support decision-making about subject choices and to encourage forward planning and preparation. As students approach and enter sixth form there is a comprehensive schedule of visiting speakers, interview practice, help with university applications and specialised support for those applying for particularly competitive courses such as medicine. Approximately 67% of our leavers go on to study at Russell Group universities, 8% gain a place at Oxbridge, and 5-10% go to universities abroad.

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The library

Our library occupies two spacious floors at the heart of the school. There are over 15,000 titles on the catalogue including 4,000 works of classic, modern and contemporary fiction which are in heavy demand from both pupils and staff, as well as a substantial biography section. There are 11,000 non-fiction and reference books and the library stocks periodicals and takes daily newspapers.

Situated within the library complex is the higher education and careers guidance service. Every student is allocated a guidance tutor when she starts at St Swithun’s. The tutor’s role is to support decision-making about subject choices and to encourage forward planning and preparation. As students approach and enter sixth form there is a comprehensive schedule of visiting speakers, interview practice, help with university applications and specialised support for those applying for particularly competitive courses such as medicine. Approximately 67% of our leavers go on to study at Russell Group universities, 8% gain a place at Oxbridge, and 5-10% go to universities abroad.

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Welcome to St Swithun’s

St Swithun’s has a long-standing reputation for academic rigour and success. Girls are prepared for public examinations and higher education in a stimulating environment in which they develop intellectual curiosity, independence of mind and the ability to take responsibility for their own learning. They achieve almost one grade higher at GCSE than their already significant baseline ability would suggest, and approximately half a grade higher at A level. We provide a comprehensive careers and higher education support service throughout the school years and our Oxbridge preparation is part of a whole-school academic enrichment programme providing additional challenge and stimulation.

We are an ‘appropriately academic’ school, celebrating intellectual curiosity and the life of the mind, but not to the exclusion of all else. All pupils will develop individual passions and through them acquire a range of skills and characteristics. These characteristics will include a willingness to take risks, to question and to debate, and to persevere in the face of difficulty. In the words of Samuel Beckett: “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”

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Welcome to St Swithun’s

St Swithun’s has a long-standing reputation for academic rigour and success. Girls are prepared for public examinations and higher education in a stimulating environment in which they develop intellectual curiosity, independence of mind and the ability to take responsibility for their own learning. They achieve almost one grade higher at GCSE than their already significant baseline ability would suggest, and approximately half a grade higher at A level. We provide a comprehensive careers and higher education support service throughout the school years and our Oxbridge preparation is part of a whole-school academic enrichment programme providing additional challenge and stimulation.

We are an ‘appropriately academic’ school, celebrating intellectual curiosity and the life of the mind, but not to the exclusion of all else. All pupils will develop individual passions and through them acquire a range of skills and characteristics. These characteristics will include a willingness to take risks, to question and to debate, and to persevere in the face of difficulty. In the words of Samuel Beckett: “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”

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St Swithun’s is an easy 15 minute walk away from Winchester city centre which boasts tranquil riverside walks, bustling shopping streets, beautiful architecture and a large number of restaurants.

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St Swithun’s occupies an attractive 45 acre campus on the eastern fringes of Winchester, the ancient capital of England. Offering inspiring views over the countryside of the South Downs National Park, the school is only 50 minutes away from London by train and is easily accessible by car. Heathrow airport is less than an hour’s drive and Southampton airport is less than 20 minutes away.

The school buildings are modern and well-equipped. As well as academic classrooms and science laboratories, there is a magnificent performing arts centre with a 600-seat auditorium, a music school, an art and technology block, a sports hall and a full-size indoor swimming pool. There is an impressive library and ICT facility. The spacious grounds encompass sports fields, an athletics track with all-weather jumping and throwing areas, tennis courts and gardens.

The senior school has six boarding houses for its full and weekly boarders, with separate houses for those in their first year and those in the upper sixth. Each is furnished to a high standard with large modern kitchens, communal areas and bathrooms.

The prep school is a light, bright, modern space with specialist teaching rooms, a science laboratory, an art studio, a media/computing room, a performing arts space, a music room, design and technology facilities and a gym. As well as access to the swimming pool, the prep school has dedicated sporting facilities including netball and tennis courts and marked-out areas for athletics, rounders and lacrosse.

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Our art department has a wonderful array of facilities which include a general studio, a dark room, a ceramics studio and a sixth form studio. We also have a history of art classroom and a resources area with a bank of computers and a fantastic collection of art books. Our gallery space is used for internal and external exhibitions and throughout the year display the girls' many successes through a diverse exhibition programme.

We offer an exciting and stimulating environment where girls can feel confident in expressing their individual ideas and perspectives. The department is able to offer an enormous variety of skills and techniques from ceramics, painting, printmaking, sculpture, textiles and photography to regular life-drawing with the older girls. History of art is taught as a separate subject and is an important part of our sixth-form curriculum. Teaching is vigorous and wide-ranging. We encourage an atmosphere of exploration, experimentation, determination and independence.

In order for our pupils to understand and explore the connections to be made with art and culture, our typical school year will include a wide range of art-related visits, for example: The Big Draw at Roche Court (L6), Berlin (L6), Royal Academy (U4), Pitt Rivers Museum (M5), Modern Art Oxford (U5), British Museum (L5). Our art history students regularly visit London and Venice.
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Drama at St Swithun’s is taught by experienced specialists and is part of the curriculum for girls in years 7 to year 9 before it becomes an option at GCSE and A level. Many girls also choose to have speech and drama lessons to further develop their communication and performance skills.

The department is based in purpose-built facilities and all activities including lessons take full advantage of the 550 seat auditorium, studio theatre and the small performing space in Harvey Hall, our performing arts centre.

Extra activities typically on offer for girls include: junior drama club for year 7 and year 8, a large-scale school production, collaboration with Winchester College productions, theatre trips, show cases, an Olivier Awards night and specialist workshops with professional theatre companies and practitioners. We take part in the Shakespeare Schools’ Festival. Performances for A level and GCSE examination performance work are also open for family and friends.

Although being a performer has undoubted appeal, many girls enjoy learning about the technical elements in theatre, such as design, lighting and sound and thus have the opportunity to work backstage on productions with the support of our superb technical crew. Other girls may explore prop making, costume design and directing or producing plays, and indeed writing scripts. And when the applause has stopped, every girl will have improved her ability to be creative, interpret, work in a team and communicate-skills vital onstage and off.
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Finlay boarding house

In U6, all girls, both boarders and day girls, are accommodated in Finlay House. It has 51 single study bedrooms for boarders and five study rooms for day girls with two to seven students in each. Finlay has two common rooms with a television and pool table in addition to a kitchen/sitting room for socialising. Each floor has a mini kitchen with a fridge and fresh, modern bathrooms. There is also a large laundry room.

Girls return to Finlay during the daytime to work in their study periods. In the evening, they have direct access to the library which is stocked with numerous journals and periodicals, has a large IT provision and provides a quiet work environment. Finlay house girls are also able to access the gym, swimming pool and tennis courts during the evening. This helps them to adapt to the sort of working environment they will encounter at university, when they will take full responsibility for how they manage their free time.
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Music is an integral part of St Swithun’s, forming an important part of our sense of community and allowing our many talented girls to express themselves in a variety of different ways. Each day begins with the entire school singing a hymn and there are over thirty ensembles rehearsing each week. Over 65% of girls have instrumental or singing lessons from a choice of 25 instruments. From formal concerts in Harvey Hall to rock concerts with lasers and smoke machines, we provide the opportunity for musicians of all standards and styles to flourish. The musicians are busy and ambitious: the choirs regularly sing for services at the cathedral, take part in concerts with professional musicians in London, attend masterclasses and workshops provided by top class coaches, and go on tours to Europe and the Far East. Some of our top musicians also play and sing in county and national ensembles.

Music as an academic subject is also very strong, with students regularly achieving the top grades at GCSE and A level and many going on to study it at university. Lower down the school girls are taught to appreciate many different styles of music from all over the world and from different historical eras. They are taught to analyse, compose and perform from an early age. Our aim as a department is to encourage, enthuse and support our young musicians whilst maintaining high standards. We have a plethora of different groups they can be involved in on a weekly basis, an annual music competition for soloists, a flourishing music scholars programme, and many collaborations with other schools and professional groups.
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Pre-prep classroom

Our pre-prep department comprises year 1 and year 2 (key stage 1).

During year 1 and year 2 children consolidate their literacy and numeracy skills. The curriculum includes the core subjects of English, mathematics and science and also features art, design and technology, information and communication technology (ICT), religious education, music, drama, personal social and health education, history, geography, modern foreign languages, physical education and a wide range of creative activities all taught regularly throughout the year. All children swim every week in our indoor teaching pool and take part in Wilderness Afternoons on our 45-acre site.

All pupils have reading books to share at home. Year 1 children take home spelling activities and an interactive maths game, and Year 2 children take home mathematics and literacy activities.

We have specialist teachers and departments for maths, English, science, sport, performing arts and creative arts and modern foreign languages. There is an on-site Forest School complete with outdoor learning classroom and a fire-pit for toasting marshmallows.
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Our pre-school is on the ground floor in the heart of our light, modern and purpose-built prep school building. It has dedicated access to a spacious, secure and landscaped courtyard with its sandpit, mud kitchen and water play area. It also has its own toilet facilities. Pre-school children benefit from the use of all-school shared facilities including all-weather courts, the on-site swimming pool, performance hall, gymnasium, music rooms, dining room and running track. They are regular passengers on our fleet of minibuses taking them to explore further afield.

The education we offer to our three- and four-year olds goes far beyond the core Early Years Foundation Stage requirements for nursery education. We provide children with a range of opportunities, lessons with specialist teachers and the best possible preparation for reception, whether they will be attending St Swithun’s or moving on to another school.

We admit girls and boys following their third birthday. Our preschool children study the EYFS curriculum, but right from the outset, they enjoy a host of other learning experiences including Forest School, an introduction to modern foreign languages, sport, cookery, music and swimming. There is also plenty of time to explore and enjoy the outdoors across our 45 acres of countryside.

Our overarching aim is to create an environment which is interesting, motivating and stimulating and which conveys the essential message to pre-school children that learning is fun and school is a wonderful place to be.
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Prep classroom

Our prep department comprises year 3, year 4, year 5 and year 6 (key stage 2). Girls are prepared for 11+ entrance examinations, including Common Entrance, to a variety of independent senior schools. Where appropriate St Swithun’s prep students are able to transfer to the senior school without the requirement to sit Common Entrance.

A structured programme increases the amount of formal work as children move through the prep department. The girls develop a desire to learn as well as the beginnings of the means to become independent students. They accept more responsibility for their own learning and begin to manage their time. They are encouraged to read regularly and widely.

Children enjoy a weekly timetable that is opulent and varied; it emphasises the core subjects of English, mathematics, science and computing but balances these with a huge amount of sports, humanities, arts, languages and extra-curricular opportunities too.

Throughout the school we maintain small class sizes of approximately 18 pupils.
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Prep sport

St Swithun’s aims for quality in every aspect of physical education, sport and physical activity. We are committed to creating meaningful opportunities for our pupils to become dedicated participants and to attain the highest levels of performance to which they aspire.

We recognise the value of sport and physical activity to a pupil’s wellbeing and development, physically, mentally, socially and morally. Pupils are encouraged to strive for high standards of performance, commitment, behaviour, etiquette, sportsmanship and self-discipline.

In addition to curriculum sport and PE lessons, we have a variety of lunchtime and afterschool clubs led by the school staff and outside coaches and we participate in house and inter-school matches to further extend the opportunities for our students.

The school curriculum includes tennis, football, netball, pop lacrosse, cross country, gymnastics, rounders athletics, cricket and swimming. The younger girls also focus on their locomotive and manipulation skills, decision making and tactical knowledge using simple invasion games. All PE, games and swimming lessons are taught by specialists.

In addition to the prep school gym the children have access to our on-site swimming complex with 25 metre pool and small teaching pool, a running track and all-weather courts.
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All girls study biology, chemistry and physics as individual subjects from the age of 11 until they begin their IGCSE courses. They also study ICT and technology. At IGCSE girls may study two or three separate science subjects from biology, chemistry and physics or they may choose to take the IGCSE double award science qualification allowing them to continue with all three science subjects in less depth.

Carl Sagan’s famous quote “Science is a way of thinking, much more than it is a body of knowledge” could not be more true than at St Swithun’s. Inspiring the next generation of STEM professionals is a key goal for the high-calibre teaching staff in the science department, who hope that pupils find a career that springs out of a natural love of science that has been nurtured and encouraged at school. However, staff are keen to ensure that all girls learn to recognise the importance of science and scientists in their lives and that all leave school with the critical thinking, analysis and evaluation skills that science promotes, whatever their chosen career path.

Evaluation of cutting-edge and progressive teaching strategies is a key feature of the science department at St Swithun’s. The over-arching philosophy is one of helping students to think about science in a real-world context, to problem-solve, to question and to find evidence. Lots of practical work and hands-on time promotes the self-reliance and confidence to look for solutions: important characteristics for success in the world of work. Students are encouraged to set curiosity and understanding at the heart of all they do. Through challenging discussion and healthy debate, students develop intellectual confidence and genuine appreciation for the role of science in their lives.
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Senior boarding house

Boarders at St Swithun’s like being with their friends, having time to take part in lots of activities, being part of a community and being able to roll out of bed into school via breakfast.

Four houses accommodate boarders from the beginning of year 8 through to the end of year 12 (L6) and are home to students from a mixture of year groups.

Girls are involved in several "cluster" events each term, where boarders from all year groups meet in small groups for meals which they plan, cook and eat together. Friendships with other year groups are a significant feature of boarding here and the support of older and younger girls can mirror some of the dynamics of family life. We ensure that both boarding and day girls work together to create a happy and inclusive school environment and that they take every opportunity to forge supportive relationships with other girls of all ages throughout the school.

We offer a diverse range of activities on and off site at weekends, and the swimming pool, art studio, library, music school and fitness suite are also open. The weekend programme complements the dynamic co-curricular programme of 45 clubs and activities which runs on weekdays for both day girls and boarders. St Swithun's is close enough to town for boarders to walk in for shopping, the cinema or restaurants and to meet friends.
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St Swithun’s strives for excellence in all aspects of sport from performance and achievements to involvement, cooperation, leadership, teamwork, competition etiquette and respect for the individual. We value effort and sportsmanship as much as winning and are proud to run A, B and C teams in lacrosse and A, B,C, D and E teams in netball. We teach students how to deal with success and failure, how to be self-disciplined and how to communicate with one another. We are dedicated to providing meaningful opportunities so that all girls can find at least one sport or activity to equip her with a lifelong enjoyment of physical exercise.

Lacrosse, netball, athletics, tennis and swimming are our major competitive sports followed by football, cricket and cross-country. We run several teams per year group and we have regular fixtures with other schools. Many girls represent their county and region with a handful of girls training with national development programmes. Inter-house and inter-form competitions are also organised to give everyone an opportunity to play in a competitive environment.

All girls joining St Swithun’s in the senior school are enrolled into the Team Orange Performance Programme which provides an individually tailored pathway for each girl to achieve her full potential at whatever level that might be: from being motivated to live a healthy and active life to achieving elite athletic performance and everything in between.

All pupils undergo athletic profiling and develop SMART targets in consultation with teachers and coaches. Alongside advice and support to achieve these targets, girls in years 7 and 8 receive education in the fundamentals of the physiological aspects of sport and physical activity, psychology and technical skills.
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Our buzzing technology department is fully equipped with dedicated rooms for metal work, wood work, graphic design and electronics.

Girls at St Swithun’s learn basic manufacturing skills using hand tools and machines as well as techniques used in industry such as computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing. They are taught how to evaluate designs, test products and accept that not getting things right the first time is part of learning.

Our students are given the opportunity to enter local and national design and engineering competitions and many win prizes for innovative ideas and products. One of our most popular co-curricular activities is Greenpower club which involves designing, constructing and racing battery-powered vehicles around motor-racing circuits. We started off with one car but the club has become so popular that we now have three cars that are regularly raced by our all-girls team in the national Greenpower electric car racing challenge.
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Welcome to St Swithun’s

St Swithun’s has a long-standing reputation for academic rigour and success. Girls are prepared for public examinations and higher education in a stimulating environment in which they develop intellectual curiosity, independence of mind and the ability to take responsibility for their own learning. They achieve almost one grade higher at GCSE than their already significant baseline ability would suggest, and approximately half a grade higher at A level. We provide a comprehensive careers and higher education support service throughout the school years and our Oxbridge preparation is part of a whole-school academic enrichment programme providing additional challenge and stimulation.

We are an ‘appropriately academic’ school, celebrating intellectual curiosity and the life of the mind, but not to the exclusion of all else. All pupils will develop individual passions and through them acquire a range of skills and characteristics. These characteristics will include a willingness to take risks, to question and to debate, and to persevere in the face of difficulty. In the words of Samuel Beckett: “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”
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St Swithun’s is an easy 15 minute walk away from Winchester city centre which boasts tranquil riverside walks, bustling shopping streets, beautiful architecture and a large number of restaurants.
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St Swithun’s occupies an attractive 45 acre campus on the eastern fringes of Winchester, the ancient capital of England. Offering inspiring views over the countryside of the South Downs National Park, the school is only 50 minutes away from London by train and is easily accessible by car. Heathrow airport is less than an hour’s drive and Southampton airport is less than 20 minutes away.

The school buildings are modern and well-equipped. As well as academic classrooms and science laboratories, there is a magnificent performing arts centre with a 600-seat auditorium, a music school, an art and technology block, a sports hall and a full-size indoor swimming pool. There is an impressive library and ICT facility. The spacious grounds encompass sports fields, an athletics track with all-weather jumping and throwing areas, tennis courts and gardens.

The senior school has six boarding houses for its full and weekly boarders, with separate houses for those in their first year and those in the upper sixth. Each is furnished to a high standard with large modern kitchens, communal areas and bathrooms.

The prep school is a light, bright, modern space with specialist teaching rooms, a science laboratory, an art studio, a media/computing room, a performing arts space, a music room, design and technology facilities and a gym. As well as access to the swimming pool, the prep school has dedicated sporting facilities including netball and tennis courts and marked-out areas for athletics, rounders and lacrosse.
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Dining room

St Swithun’s is renowned for its delicious food, all of which is prepared on site. The menus are designed to be imaginative, nutritious and full of choice. There is a food forum where girls meet with the catering team to discuss options and foods they would like introduced to the menu.
The St Swithun’s match tea is very popular amongst our sporting opponents and our own teams and supporters.
## Tour ### Description tour.description = Visit the school through an immersive 360 tour of our fantastic facilities ### Title tour.name = St Swithun's School Virtual Tour